Quest:Conquering the Three Peaks

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Conquering the Three Peaks
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Auto-bestowed
Ends at Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
End Region Máttugard
Map Ref [46.2S, 114.2W]
Quest Group Gundabad Allegiance Quests
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The Dwarves of Gundabad have a plan to reclaim the Mountain-home and need your assistance! Those encamped at the Steepset in Máttugard have devised a plan to retake Gundabad by gathering precious resources, aiding covert encounters, and participating in well-timed assaults. Their plans will not come to pass without great heroes leading the charge! Answer their call, for now is the time to conquer the Three Peaks!


The Dwarves of Gundabad have a plan to reclaim the Moutain-home and need your assistance!

Objective 1

Zóva, Zádokh Flint-eye, Agátur the Boastful, and Bráthi can be found at Zidir-nesad, the Steepset, or the Hall of Vérnozal.

You should talk to these dwarves as soon as you are able.

Agátur the Boastful: 'Ah, you have arrived at the most opportune time. We are launching assaults to secure points of interest in Gundabad. We need anyone available to fight to Gundabad!'
Zádokh Flint-eye: 'Bah, if we want to retake Gundabad, we will need the resources to do so. Our enemies in Gundabad have them, so why not take the resources we need from them. Deal the blow to our foes and reap the rewards.'
Bráthi: 'How have you made out in collecting geodes? Yes, there are many more to collect, as well as other rare treasures to find in the depths of Gundabad. I seek assistance in finding these additional rare treasures and halting those who seek to destroy them. Can I count on your efforts, my friend?'
Zóva: 'Greetings, <name>. The Zhélruka have brought many together to fight for Gundabad and retake our rightful home. There is much to do and many involved in conquering the Three Peaks. Prince Ingór and I are glad to have you behind our cause.'